5,884 research outputs found

    On the Wilson-Bappu relationship in the Mg II k line

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    An investigation is carried out on the Wilson-Bappu effect in the Mg II k line at 2796.34 A. The work is based on a selection of 230 stars observed by both the IUE and HIPPARCOS satellites, covering a wide range of spectral type and absolute visual magnitudes. The Wilson-Bappu relationship here provided is considered to represent an improvement over previous recent results for the considerably larger data sample used as well as for a proper consideration of the measurement errors. No evidence has been found for a possible dependence of the WB effect on stellar metallicity and effective temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures Accepted for publication on A&

    A study of the Mg II 2796.34 A emission line in late--type normal, and RS CVn stars

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    We carry out an analysis of the Mg II 2796.34 A emission line in RS CVn stars and make a comparison with the normal stars studied in a previous paper (Paper I). The sample of RS CVn stars consists of 34 objects with known HIPPARCOS parallaxes and observed at high resolution with IUE. We confirm that RS CVn stars tend to possess wider Mg II lines than normal stars having the same absolute visual magnitude. However, we could not find any correlation between the logarithmic line width log Wo and the absolute visual magnitude Mv (the Wilson--Bappu relationship) for these active stars, contrary to the case of normal stars addressed in Paper I. On the contrary, we find that a strong correlation exists in the (Mv, log L) plane (L is the absolute flux in the line). In this plane, normal and RS CVn stars are distributed along two nearly parallel straight lines with RS CVn stars being systematically brighter by about 1 dex. Such a diagram provides an interesting tool to discriminate active from normal stars. We finally analyse the distribution of RS CVn and of normal stars in the (log L, log Wo) plane, and find a strong linear correlation for normal stars, which can be used for distance determinations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, latex, to be published in A&

    Seeing distinct groups where there are none : spurious patterns from between-group PCA

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    Using sampling experiments, we found that, when there are fewer groups than variables, between-groups PCA (bgPCA) may suggest surprisingly distinct differences among groups for data in which none exist. While apparently not noticed before, the reasons for this problem are easy to understand. A bgPCA captures the g-1 dimensions of variation among the g group means, but only a fraction of the∑ni-g  dimensions of within-group variation ( are the sample sizes), when the number of variables, p, is greater than g-1. This introduces a distortion in the appearance of the bgPCA plots because the within-group variation will be underrepresented, unless the variables are sufficiently correlated so that the total variation can be accounted for with just g-1 dimensions. The effect is most obvious when sample sizes are small relative to the number of variables, because smaller samples spread out less, but the distortion is present even for large samples. Strong covariance among variables largely reduces the magnitude of the problem, because it effectively reduces the dimensionality of the data and thus enables a larger proportion of the within-group variation to be accounted for within the g-1-dimensional space of a bgPCA. The distortion will still be relevant though its strength will vary from case to case depending on the structure of the data (p, g, covariances etc.). These are important problems for a method mainly designed for the analysis of variation among groups when there are very large numbers of variables and relatively small samples. In such cases, users are likely to conclude that the groups they are comparing are much more distinct than they really are.  Having many variables but just small sample sizes is a common problem in fields ranging from morphometrics (as in our examples) to molecular analyses

    Can morphotaxa be assessed with photographs? Estimating the accuracy of two-dimensional cranial geometric morphometrics for the study of threatened populations of African monkeys

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    The classification of most mammalian orders and families is under debate and the number of species is likely greater than currently recognized. Improving taxonomic knowledge is crucial, as biodiversity is in rapid decline. Morphology is a source of taxonomic knowledge, and geometric morphometrics applied to two dimensional (2D) photographs of anatomical structures is commonly employed for quantifying differences within and among lineages. Photographs are informative, easy to obtain, and low cost. 2D analyses, however, introduce a large source of measurement error when applied to crania and other highly three dimensional (3D) structures. To explore the potential of 2D analyses for assessing taxonomic diversity, we use patas monkeys (Erythrocebus), a genus of large, semi-terrestrial, African guenons, as a case study. By applying a range of tests to compare ventral views of adult crania measured both in 2D and 3D, we show that, despite inaccuracies accounting for up to one-fourth of individual shape differences, results in 2D almost perfectly mirror those in 3D. This apparent paradox might be explained by the small strength of covariation in the component of shape variance related to measurement error. A rigorous standardization of photographic settings and the choice of almost coplanar landmarks are likely to further improve the correspondence of 2D to 3D shapes. 2D geometric morphometrics is, thus, appropriate for taxonomic comparisons of patas ventral crania. Although it is too early to generalize, our results corroborate similar findings from previous research in mammals, and suggest that 2D shape analyses are an effective heuristic tool for morphological investigation of small differences

    Test with cosmic rays of the GEM chambers for the LHCb muon system produced in Cagliari

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    The inner region of the first LHCb muon station will be equipped with twelve Gas Electron Multiplier chambers. The seven chambers produced in Cagliari were studied for several days each using cosmic rays. We measured the efficiency, timing resolution, and uniformity, cluster-size and out-of-time multiplicity. We find all seven chambers perform well

    Kalman Filter Track Fits and Track Breakpoint Analysis

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    We give an overview of track fitting using the Kalman filter method in the NOMAD detector at CERN, and emphasize how the wealth of by-product information can be used to analyze track breakpoints (discontinuities in track parameters caused by scattering, decay, etc.). After reviewing how this information has been previously exploited by others, we describe extensions which add power to breakpoint detection and characterization. We show how complete fits to the entire track, with breakpoint parameters added, can be easily obtained from the information from unbroken fits. Tests inspired by the Fisher F-test can then be used to judge breakpoints. Signed quantities (such as change in momentum at the breakpoint) can supplement unsigned quantities such as the various chisquares. We illustrate the method with electrons from real data, and with Monte Carlo simulations of pion decays.Comment: 27 pages including 10 figures. To appear in NI

    Hadron detection with a dual-readout fiber calorimeter

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    In this paper, we describe measurements of the response functions of a fiber-based dual- readout calorimeter for pions, protons and multiparticle "jets" with energies in the range from 10 to 180 GeV. The calorimeter uses lead as absorber material and has a total mass of 1350 kg. It is complemented by leakage counters made of scintillating plastic, with a total mass of 500 kg. The effects of these leakage counters on the calorimeter performance are studied as well. In a separate section, we investigate and compare different methods to measure the energy resolution of a calorimeter. Using only the signals provided by the calorimeter, we demonstrate that our dual-readout calorimeter, calibrated with electrons, is able to reconstruct the energy of proton and pion beam particles to within a few percent at all energies. The fractional widths of the signal distributions for these particles (sigma/E) scale with the beam energy as 30%/sqrt(E), without any additional contributing terms

    Are geometric morphometric analyses replicable? Evaluating landmark measurement error and its impact on extant and fossil Microtus classification.

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    Geometric morphometric analyses are frequently employed to quantify biological shape and shape variation. Despite the popularity of this technique, quantification of measurement error in geometric morphometric datasets and its impact on statistical results is seldom assessed in the literature. Here, we evaluate error on 2D landmark coordinate configurations of the lower first molar of five North American Microtus (vole) species. We acquired data from the same specimens several times to quantify error from four data acquisition sources: specimen presentation, imaging devices, interobserver variation, and intraobserver variation. We then evaluated the impact of those errors on linear discriminant analysis-based classifications of the five species using recent specimens of known species affinity and fossil specimens of unknown species affinity. Results indicate that data acquisition error can be substantial, sometimes explaining >30% of the total variation among datasets. Comparisons of datasets digitized by different individuals exhibit the greatest discrepancies in landmark precision, and comparison of datasets photographed from different presentation angles yields the greatest discrepancies in species classification results. All error sources impact statistical classification to some extent. For example, no two landmark dataset replicates exhibit the same predicted group memberships of recent or fossil specimens. Our findings emphasize the need to mitigate error as much as possible during geometric morphometric data collection. Though the impact of measurement error on statistical fidelity is likely analysis-specific, we recommend that all geometric morphometric studies standardize specimen imaging equipment, specimen presentations (if analyses are 2D), and landmark digitizers to reduce error and subsequent analytical misinterpretations